Thursday, January 31, 2013

New year wishes of love, riches…?

From the 31st of December to the 1st of January each year, very few people around the world do not receive new year's wishes from loved ones. Those who receive such wishes are familiar with words like success, prosperity, good health, peace, etc. The one who extends the wishes seems to be innately praying for you! And that innate desire for your wellbeing is inscribed in his heart by God Almighty. For those who read the Holy Bible, they express this innate desire with more ease and with the most appropriate words inspired from their readings. From the messages I receive, those that touch me most are usually Bible citations or their paraphrases related to the promises of God.  God indeed has promises for us in his word right from our ancestors through us, to generations that will come after us. Whether they come to us in text messages from loved ones or in whatever way, the most important is for us to Claim these promises of God and be filled with his riches according to his will. As children of God and descendants of Abraham, we are bound by these and will fully receive if we claim by faith. Genesis 12 :1-3 states : "Le Seigneur dit à Abram: Quitte ton pays,…. Je ferai naître de toi une grande nation ; je te bénirai et je rendrai ton nom célèbre. Tu seras une bénédiction pour les autres. Je bénirai ceux qui te béniront, mais je maudirai ceux qui te maudiront. A travers toi, je bénirai toutes les nations de la terre." God reminded Moses of this promise later on in the burning bush: Exodus 6:1-9. So we can claim this promise as descendants of Abraham. All we need is to know the word of God and always remind him of his promises for us while we pray. God remembered His covenant with Abraham! So we are children of covenant if we are in Christ Jesus. In fact, our belonging to Christ is a pre-condition to benefit from God's promises as is written in Gal 3:29: "Si vous appartenez au Christ, vous êtes alors les descendants d'Abraham et vous recevez l'héritage que Dieu a promis." Dear brethren, this is the covenant (alliance) that guarantees Gods providence. You are a seed of Abraham, heritier selon sa promesse… You must prosper against any evil by God's will, since God's plan is for us to have life to its fullness as is written in John 10:10   : "Le voleur vient uniquement pour voler, tuer et détruire. Moi, je suis venu pour que les humains aient la vie et l'aient en abondance." In fact, Jesus' mission on earth was for us to become rich ; 2 Cor. 8 :9 "Car vous connaissez la grâce de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ: …, il s'est fait pauvre en votre faveur, afin de vous enrichir par sa pauvreté." You need to activate this promise in your life by accepting Christ! When you become a child of God, then you become a child of covenant and God will start providing all your claims just as He remembered His covenant with Abraham and blessed the Israelites from Egypt through the desert: Psalms 105:37-42 "Puis il fit sortir les siens charges d'argent et d'or…. Pour les protéger, le Seigneur déploya un rideau de fumée. La nuit un feu les éclairait. Mais ils réclamèrent. Le Seigneur fit alors venir des cailles et ils les rassasia du pain du ciel. Il ouvrit un rocher, l'eau se mit à couler, traversant le désert comme un fleuve. C'est qu'il se rappelait la divine promesse qu'il avait faite à son serviteur Abraham." The children of Israel came out of Egypt with much silver and gold. They Inherited prosperity of the land and none of them was sick! They were satisfied with bread. God gave them water in the desert, protected and showed them the way in the night and day! So, Abrahamic covenant comes with financial and material riches as well as with physical strength! You will gain all these privileges if you get into the covenant by accepting Jesus Christ. If you are already born again, then you are a covenant child! Amen! Then you inherit the Abrahamic covenant! All you need to do is Claim your riches with faith: Mark 11: 22-24 "…c'est pourquoi je vous dis: tout ce que vous demanderez en priant, croyez que vous l'avez recu, et vous le verrez s'accomplir.